Arranger – “We can do it this way, or this way, or…“
Next up in our CliftonStrengths® series is the Arranger talent. You could consider Arranger a more cognitive take on Adaptability®, or Adaptability as a more kinesthetic application of Arranger. Rather than responding in the moment as someone high in Adaptability is apt to do, your approach is to first reflect on, examine, and think about the pieces. Once they are optimized then you share and implement your solution.

For people with Arranger in their top 5, you are among the few people who may actually be able to effectively multi-task. The rest of us must watch and be amazed. As a more cognitive talent, “Arrangers” have the ability to not just see systems, but see inside them to dissect the inner parts. Sort of like Superman’s X-ray vision. Once dissected, you go about finding the pattern that yields maximum efficiency. Yes, you are organized, and yes you are still flexible and able to reorganize.
Informational and situational chaos are exciting opportunities to reflect on the myriad possibilities in order to find the most efficient process. The patterns and connections within systems are not intimidating, they are thrilling. In this way, people and resources represent boundless potential and the opportunity to solve or improve a complex puzzle.
While it is possible for you to stay calm in the midst of chaos, be mindful that others not high in Arranger are less likely to remain calm. And just because you find chaos enjoyable, don’t just start chaos since others may not find it so fun. If you have both Adaptability and Arranger they may be harder to control. You may have a hard time implementing solutions because you just keep arranging and adapting. You may become the source of chaos, rather than the solution for chaos. Chances are, setting deadlines or having deadlines set for you can help you reach maximum productivity so you don’t get stuck arranging.
Is Arranger in your top 5? How are you using it this week? Today? What can you learn or do that will make this talent stronger? How does it influence your other talents? How do you experience Arranger? I’d love to see your comments.
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