Anderson Leadership Resources Blog: Tips to Better Understand Yourself, Your Team, and Your Business.

May is Mental Awareness Month

May is Mental Awareness Month

Did you know that May is Mental Fitness Month? I did not. Until last night when I happened to hear on the local news that May is indeed, Mental Awareness Month. In fact, May has been Mental Awareness Month since 1949! As a leader, here are some reasons this matters to...

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Give the Gift of Employee Wellbeing

Give the Gift of Employee Wellbeing

Who are your leadership heroes? To be sure, there are many to choose from: Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Sun Tzu, General Patton, Winston Churchill, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Jesus Christ, Maharaja Ranjit Singh, and the prophet...

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Employees Leave Leaders, Not Jobs

Employees Leave Leaders, Not Jobs

Two people I know well, Pat and Bob, were recently offered jobs that came with substantial pay raises. One friend took the new job, the other did not. Both are professional and capable. Both are hard workers, enjoy their work, and make important contributions in their...

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5 Ways to Make the Most of Employee Voice

5 Ways to Make the Most of Employee Voice

In the dynamic landscape of modern workplaces, harnessing the collective voice of your employees can be a powerful tool for success. Employee voice refers to the expression of opinions, suggestions, and concerns by the workforce, and smart leaders recognize its...

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Leaders do These 4 Things to  Alleviate Anxiety

Leaders do These 4 Things to  Alleviate Anxiety

In my previous blog, I shared with you a 4-step process to deal with anxiety when it shows up. As a leader, you know that anxiety will show up as you face deadlines, your emotions, other’s emotions, and a host of other personal and professional demands. Anxiety floods...

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Use R.A.I.N. to Wash Away Your Anxiety

Use R.A.I.N. to Wash Away Your Anxiety

As a leader, your path to success often encounters high-pressure situations, tough decisions, hard conversations, and a constant demand for peak performance. It's no surprise that anxiety can become a frequent companion on this journey. The good news is that anxiety...

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Self Care Series 4: Caring for Your Spirit

Self Care Series 4: Caring for Your Spirit

I once heard a leader say that "every decision a leader makes is a spiritual decision. It affects the spirit of the people that they lead." That exposes another aspect of leadership that seems to be easily overlooked. This concept transcends the notion of religion and...

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Self-Care Series III: Your Relationships Matter. 

Self-Care Series III: Your Relationships Matter. 

That may seem like an obvious statement. When we are with friends, we feel positive emotions such as acceptance, safety, and a sense of being known. Our brains release chemicals such as oxytocin, dopamine, and epinephrine that make us feel happy. When things are not...

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Self Care Series II – Physical Care

Self Care Series II – Physical Care

Phew! Right after I published my last blog post, Self-Care Series I - Love Yourself, my assistant quit. My life was thrown into upheaval and I have been scrambling. I am finally getting back into the groove thanks to my new assistant, who is truly a God-send. That...

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Cultural Intelligence: Because Culture is King

Cultural Intelligence: Because Culture is King

In a virtual workspace and an increasingly multi-cultural workforce, the importance of cultural intelligence is become much more acute. There is already ample research that shows a workplace that is respectful and diverse is the most productive. You can help to create...

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