People who have Context in their top 5 CliftonStrengths® talent themes are no doubt devotees to George Santayana, the source of the quote above. People high in Context interpret the present and see the future based on the past. To understand the present, it is necessary to understand the past. If you want to avoid predictable and common missteps as well as focus on what actually works, make sure you consult someone with this amazing talent. Keep reading to learn more about the Context talent theme.

Today’s answers are found in the past. Stability, simplicity, and concreteness are the hallmarks and blessings of the past. Those certainties bring depth and understanding about where society was intended to go and make the present more understandable. When you meet new friends, you want to know about their past because you know that all people are products of their past. The same can be said of your workplace, community, and a host of other cultures. As such, new environments can be disorienting until you have had time to gather and process the history of the people and the new place.
From a neurological, brain science perspective, safety is our highest priority. People with a high-ranking Context theme promote safety by avoiding the mistakes of the past. In this way, they can also envision a safe path towards a safer future.
Here are some more typical things you may encounter in someone with a high-ranking Context talent theme.
- Ask people to share their story
- Storyteller
- Archivist/Collector
- Researcher
- Wise
- Sentimental
- History Buff – Has not missed a single episode of The Curse of Oak Island!
When leading someone high in Context, be sure to consult with them about what has worked and not worked. Show respect by letting them tell stories. Communicate respect by sharing with them the journey that got you all to the current place. Do not press a Context person for a quick decision when that person has had very little time to investigate the situation.
I am not surprised and it saddens me that overall Context ranks 30th out of the 34 CliftonStrengths talent themes. A casual glance at the state of our world screams at those people high in Context, “Save us! Teach us the ways of the past because we keep doing the same dumb stuff!” Context people, we need you to find your voice, rise up, and teach us!
What are your thoughts about this fascinating talent? If you have a high-ranking Context talent theme, what does it look like in you? I hope you will leave a comment.
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