Thoughtful, considerate, circumspect, measured, careful, reserved, and often private are words that can be used to describe people who have a top-5 CliftonStrengths® talent theme of Deliberative. If you have Deliberative in your top 5 you probably agree that making the right decision is more important than making a quick decision. You know that the world is full of risks and you know how to identify and avoid those risks. (A talent I could have used as I stood on my bicycle seat while riding down the hill of the street where I grew up.) Not unlike people with talents such as Context®, Intellection®, and Analytical®, Deliberatives want and even need time to make decisions. Keep reading to learn more about this talent that is almost certain to guarantee the least amount of waste, or damage when choosing a course of action.

People with a high-ranking Deliberative talent can really excel in the preparation phase of planning. They are adept at identifying and mitigating risk. Sometimes those risks are also emotional. Our brains are designed to seek social safety above all else. Relationships can be vulnerable places where we risk rejection and judgment. As such, Deliberatives may be slow to build friendships and seem aloof. Once that friendship is forged it is a safe place and one that will likely last a long time. Similarly, people with a high-ranking Deliberative talent are not effusive, or generous with complements. If you get a compliment from someone who has Deliberative in her top-5, you can believe it was sincere. Maybe the most sincere complement you ever received!
Here are some words that often describe people with a top-5 Deliberative talent theme:
- Vigilant
- Serious
- Cautious
- Thorough
- Guardian
- Observant
- Intentional
- Skeptical
An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure.
Look before you leap… look again.
When working with and relating to Deliberatives, give them details and time to consider the details, implications, obstacles, and solutions. Don’t press them for quick decisions, but feel free to give them a deadline for giving their input.
If you have Deliberative in your top 5 be as careful with your word choice as you are with your decision making process. Avoid roles and situations that require snap decisions or that lack the decision making information you need. Learn sound decision making models such as SWOT Analysis and Eisenhower Decision Matrix. Embrace and find confidence in knowing that you are at your best when you have the resources and ability to anticipate obstacles, prevent mistakes, and put the finishing touches that bring success to plans. Don’t say, “I told you so.” 🙂
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