Git’er Done: The Achiever Talent Theme

Git’er Done: The Achiever Talent Theme

Welcome to the new year. If you are familiar with the Gallup StrengthsFinder®, now CliftonStrengths® assessment then you probably know that one of the best ways to find success is to focus on living out of your talent themes. It follows that spending time developing...
The Real Me?

The Real Me?

I toured in bands for many years and performed in numerous bands over the years. Even now I play in a local rock band, though my musical past includes, jazz, ragtime, marching, concert, orchestra, Army, country, rock, oldies, classic rock and even Chinese pop. As a...
CliftonStrengths® and Work: So What?

CliftonStrengths® and Work: So What?

So everything! As we continue to navigate the “great resignation,” I think a few things are as informative as knowing at least your top 5 CliftonStrengths talent themes and understanding them through the powerful lens of CoreClarity®. I coach many people who are...
Giving the Gift of Curiosity

Giving the Gift of Curiosity

If you have been reading my blog you know that I like to remind us all that we are doing exactly what we are designed to do. That said, we all show up with an amazing and wonderful mix of design and dysfunction. So, while we are doing what we are designed to do, our...