Anderson Leadership Resources Blog: Tips to Better Understand Yourself, Your Team, and Your Business.

Empathy®: I Feel Your Pain

Empathy®: I Feel Your Pain Well, if you have the Empathy® CliftonStrengths talent theme you also feel others’ joy, sadness, grief, hopes, and a host of other emotions. Your intuition about others’ moods, emotions, and motivations is powerful...

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Discipline®: Let me add you to my schedule

Discipline®: Let me add you to my schedule

Are you a planner, structured, deadline-meeter who dislikes, even hates surprises and last-minute changes? You may have the Discipline CliftonStrengths talent theme in your top 5 talent themes. People with a high-ranking Discipline talent thrive with structure. If...

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Developer®: Motivated to Motivate Others

Developer®: Motivated to Motivate Others

Do you believe that everyone has potential? Do you love to cultivate growth in others in order to help them reach the potential that you know and believe they have? If so you may very well have Developer as one of your top 5 CliftonStrengths® talent themes. Developers...

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Consistency®: Champion of Balance, Fairness, and Justice

Consistency®: Champion of Balance, Fairness, and Justice

While people with a high-ranking Consistency talent may have a preference for routines, the real heart of Consistency is the belief that everyone should be treated fairly. They root for and champion the underdog, sniff out injustice, and promote fairness for all...

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Communication®: Once Upon a Time…

Communication®: Once Upon a Time…

Do you enjoy telling stories? Do you find yourself being able to come up with the “right word” when others are at a loss for words? Are you among the minority of people less afraid of public speaking than death? There is a good chance that you have the Communication...

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Competition®: C’mon, We Got This!

Competition®: C’mon, We Got This!

People with the Competition talent theme in their top 5 CliftonStrengths® are born competitors, and winners. This is a very powerful talent that can easily overwhelm other talents and even the individual with the talent. Learn more about the Competition talent theme...

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Connectedness®: Word Association Football

Connectedness®: Word Association Football

Full disclosure: Connectedness is in my top 5 and it is a lot of fun. It also makes it almost impossible for me to focus on something because one thing connects to so many other things. For those of us with Connectedness in our top 5 CliftonStrengths® it is easy to...

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Command®: Follow me!

Command®: Follow me!

If the Command talent theme is in your top 5, congratulations! You are among the 5% of people who have that talent in their top 5. It ranks 33rd of the 34 CliftonSrengths® themes. When people speak of leaders and mention things such as presence, charisma, decisive,...

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Belief®: This is Why it Matters…

Belief®: This is Why it Matters…

The Belief talent theme is very powerful. I refer to it as a “rules-based” talent. The belief talent energizes people to act and also greatly intensifies and shapes their other talents. If talent themes had movies this one’s would be “Do the Right Thing.” A favorite...

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Arranger®: “Organized Flexibility”

Arranger®: “Organized Flexibility”

Arranger - “We can do it this way, or this way, or…“ Next up in our CliftonStrengths® series is the Arranger talent. You could consider Arranger a more cognitive take on Adaptability®, or Adaptability as a more kinesthetic application of Arranger. Rather than...

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