Anderson Leadership Resources Blog: Tips to Better Understand Yourself, Your Team, and Your Business.
Implications of the Word, Leader (Part 3): If People Can’t Say “No,” You Aren’t a Leader…
…you are a dictator. In this series about the assumptions inherent in the word Leader, we explored that leaders are “in front,” either physically or cognitively, while others are following. Also, leaders have a destination in mind, a desired future reality. Today we...
Implications of the word, LEADER (Part 2): The leader is in front and others follow.
Last week I mentioned that there are hundreds, if not thousands of definitions for the word, Leader. Yet, regardless of the definition you may settle on, there are still at least three assumptions we make when we say the word, Leader. We looked at the assumption that...
Implications of the word, LEADER (Part 1)
Have you ever thought about the meaning of the word, “leader”? Given that there is practically a cult-like fervor around the topic of leadership, I am sure you have thought about the meaning, or at least heard many definitions. I once heard that there are thousands of...
CliftonStrengths® and Work: Do More of What You Are Designed to Do
Is your job unfulfilling? Do you like the product but not the process? Whether or not you join the “Great Resignation,” make sure you understand your design and start strengthening it. As you can guess, I think that CliftonStrengths is the most practical and...
CliftonStrengths® and Work: So What?
So everything! As we continue to navigate the “great resignation,” I think a few things are as informative as knowing at least your top 5 CliftonStrengths talent themes and understanding them through the powerful lens of CoreClarity®. I coach many people who are...
CliftonStrengths® and the Skeptics Part 5: The Rest of Your Talents
There is a reason I like to refer to CoreClarity® as “CliftonStrengths on steroids:” by looking at thedifferent ways the talents influence each other and combine to create a whole new style type, a personcan learn so much more about their talents! The interplay of the...
CliftonStrengths® and the Skeptic Part 4
So far we have addressed the scientific reliability of the CliftonStrengths assessment and seen that it is in fact, quite reliable, and not a cause for skepticism. It follows then that the other sources for skepticism are from a person’s own feelings about the results...
CliftonStrengths and the Skeptic Part 3: Opportunity
Two posts ago I addressed the scientific reliability of the CliftonStrengths assessment and concluded that it is in fact very reliable. From a scientific perspective, you can accept your results as accurate. Still, many people remain skeptical because they just don’t...
CliftonStrengths® and the Skeptic Part 2: Ignorance
Last week, I provided solid scientific evidence that the assessment is in fact very reliable. Granted, no assessment is perfect but you are on safe ground accepting your results from Gallup. Despite strong reliability data, many people remain skeptical. The reasons...
Unveiling CliftonStrengths: Embrace Your Unique Talents
The Science Behind CliftonStrengths Assessment You aren’t the first skeptic I have met. As a matter of fact, I’m a bit of a skeptic myself and I have respect for skeptics. We might be stubborn, but we are also good at keeping people honest. In this next blog let’s...
A Plan for the New Year: Setting SMART 2.0 Goals
Whether or not you are a New Years’ Resolution person, I am sure that at some point this year you will set a goal. You will resolve to make some sort of change from starting something, fixing something, or stopping something. There are many resources available to help...
Futuristic®: “You may say that I’m a dreamer…”
People with the CliftonStrengths® Futuristic® talent theme in their top-5 talent themes see a bright, positive future world full of possibilities. Furthermore, they are often able to communicate their vision in ways that inspire. This can make them a great asset when...